

Articles by category

WS-Federation Leadership C# Cryptopals General OAuth Python Umbraco OpenID Connect Soft Skills Authentication ASP.NET Identity SAML FIDO JOSE OpenSSL Identity Server ASP.NET Kotlin PAKE Dart Angular Blockchain Identity Azure Docker Windows Entity Framework Katana Email Verification

Articles by date

A list of all 129 blog articles released on

  1. 2024-04 - WS-Federation - Understanding WS-Federation: A modern primer for an obsolete protocol
  2. 2023-12 - General - Year in review: 2023
  3. 2023-09 - Leadership - Book notes & reflections: An Elegant Puzzle
  4. 2023-03 - C# - Loading RSA Keys in .NET
  5. 2023-02 - Cryptopals - Challenges 7-12: Implementing and breaking AES ECB
  6. 2022-12 - General - Year in review: 2022
  7. 2022-11 - Leadership - Book notes & reflections: The Making of a Manager
  8. 2022-10 - OAuth - OAuth client authentication - more than just client secrets
  9. 2022-10 - Leadership - Book notes & reflections: The Art of Leadership
  10. 2022-08 - Python - JWT creation and validation in Python using Authlib
  11. 2022-08 - JOSE - Understanding JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
  12. 2022-08 - OAuth - New Pluralsight Course: JSON Web Token (JWT) Fundamentals
  13. 2022-03 - OAuth - Open Banking for OAuth Developers
  14. 2022-02 - OAuth - Step-up authentication with OAuth and OpenID Connect
  15. 2021-12 - General - Year in Review: 2021
  16. 2021-11 - Umbraco - Umbraco frontend membership SSO using OpenID Connect
  17. 2021-11 - General - Goodbye, Rock Solid Knowledge; Hello, 10x Banking
  18. 2021-11 - OpenID Connect - Understanding identity tokens
  19. 2021-11 - Umbraco - Umbraco backoffice SSO with OpenID Connect
  20. 2021-10 - Soft Skills - How I use Polywork to overcome impostor syndrome
  21. 2021-09 - C# - How to sign XML using RSA in .NET
  22. 2021-09 - C# - ECDSA and Custom XML Signatures in .NET
  23. 2021-08 - C# - Loading Elliptic Curve (EC) Keys in .NET
  24. 2021-06 - Umbraco - Umbraco MVP 2021
  25. 2021-06 - OAuth - Client Authentication vs. PKCE: Do you need both?
  26. 2021-05 - C# - Authenticated Encryption in .NET with AES-GCM
  27. 2021-04 - Authentication - Beware of Password Shucking
  28. 2021-03 - ASP.NET Identity - Integrating ASP.NET Identity Password Policies with Password Managers
  29. 2021-01 - Authentication - Perfecting the password field with the HTML passwordrules attribute
  30. 2021-01 - SAML - New Pluralsight Course: Getting Started with SAML 2.0
  31. 2020-12 - General - Year in Review: 2020
  32. 2020-11 - OAuth - OAuth is Not User Authorization
  33. 2020-10 - C# - XChaCha20-Poly1305: A Primer with Examples in .NET
  34. 2020-09 - C# - PEM Loading in .NET Core and .NET 5
  35. 2020-08 - FIDO - Recording: Let's stop blaming our users for getting hacked when it is our problem to solve
  36. 2020-08 - JOSE - JWTs: Which Signing Algorithm Should I Use?
  37. 2020-08 - OpenSSL - Creating RSA Keys using OpenSSL
  38. 2020-07 - OAuth - OAuth Security Workshop 2020
  39. 2020-07 - Identity Server - Using ECDSA in IdentityServer4
  40. 2020-07 - OpenSSL - Creating Elliptic Curve Keys using OpenSSL
  41. 2020-07 - General - Adding Tailwind Utility Classes to your Bootstrap Website
  42. 2020-07 - FIDO - Using Biometrics in ASP.NET Core
  43. 2020-06 - C# - EdDSA for JWT Signing in .NET Core
  44. 2020-05 - C# - Replacing JWTs with Branca and PASETO in .NET Core
  45. 2020-04 - JOSE - Alternatives to JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
  46. 2020-03 - Identity Server - Outsourcing IdentityServer4 Token Signing to Azure Key Vault
  47. 2020-02 - FIDO - Building a FIDO Authenticator with OpenSK
  48. 2020-01 - ASP.NET Identity - IdentityManager2 2020 Update
  49. 2020-01 - FIDO - Defeating Phishing with FIDO2 for ASP.NET
  50. 2020-01 - ASP.NET - Refreshing your Legacy ASP.NET IdentityServer Client Applications (with PKCE)
  51. 2019-12 - General - Year in Review: 2019
  52. 2019-12 - C# - Supporting Custom JWT Signing Algorithms (ES256K) in .NET Core
  53. 2019-11 - Kotlin - Creating Signed JWTs using Nimbus JOSE + JWT
  54. 2019-10 - ASP.NET - Using mkcert for ASP.NET Core Development
  55. 2019-09 - Authentication - New Pluralsight Course: ASP.NET Authentication - The Big Picture
  56. 2019-07 - C# - JWT Signing using RSASSA-PSS in .NET Core
  57. 2019-06 - OpenID Connect - Implementing Sign in with Apple in ASP.NET Core
  58. 2019-06 - SAML - The Dangers of SAML IdP-Initiated SSO
  59. 2019-05 - PAKE - Secure Remote Password (SRP) in C# and .NET Core
  60. 2019-04 - Identity Server - Encrypting Identity Tokens in IdentityServer4
  61. 2019-03 - Dart - Generating a Crypto Random String in Dart
  62. 2019-02 - Cryptopals - Solving the Cryptopals Crypto Challenges in C#
  63. 2019-02 - Cryptopals - Challenge 1: Base64 Encoding
  64. 2019-02 - Cryptopals - Challenges 2-6: Caesar and Vigenère Ciphers
  65. 2019-02 - Kotlin - Ktor using OAuth 2.0 and IdentityServer4
  66. 2019-01 - OAuth - Why Developers Do Care About OAuth and OpenID Connect
  67. 2019-01 - OpenID Connect - ASP.NET Core using Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
  68. 2019-01 - OAuth - Cheat Sheet: OAuth for Browser-Based Applications (e.g. a JavaScript SPA)
  69. 2019-01 - C# - JSON Web Encryption (JWE) in .NET
  70. 2019-01 - Angular - Migrating oidc-client-js to use the OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow and PKCE
  71. 2019-01 - Authentication - Software Tokens Won't Save You
  72. 2019-01 - General - Year in Review: 2018 Catch Up
  73. 2018-12 - Identity Server - Creating Your Own IdentityServer4 Storage Library
  74. 2018-10 - OAuth - Removing Shared Secrets for OAuth Client Authentication
  75. 2018-09 - OAuth - Delegation Patterns for OAuth 2.0 using Token Exchange
  76. 2018-09 - OpenID Connect - Help! I’m Stuck in a Redirect Loop!
  77. 2018-09 - OAuth - New Pluralsight Course: Getting Started with OAuth 2.0
  78. 2018-07 - Angular - SPA Identity and Access Control with OpenID Connect and IdentityServer4
  79. 2018-07 - ASP.NET Identity - Getting Started with IdentityManager2
  80. 2018-07 - FIDO - A FIDO2 Primer and Proof of Concept using ASP.NET Core
  81. 2018-06 - Identity Server - ASP.NET Core Swagger UI Authorization using IdentityServer4
  82. 2018-06 - Blockchain Identity - Lessons Learned from Integrating with Blockchain Identity Providers
  83. 2018-04 - OAuth - OAuth is Not Authentication
  84. 2018-03 - OAuth - An Introduction to the OAuth Device Flow
  85. 2018-03 - ASP.NET Identity - Implementing Medium's Passwordless Authentication using ASP.NET Core Identity
  86. 2018-02 - Blockchain Identity - Technical Review of Civic's Secure Identity Platform
  87. 2018-02 - Blockchain Identity - Integrating with Civic SIP using ASP.NET Core
  88. 2018-02 - C# - JWT Signing using ECDSA in .NET Core
  89. 2017-11 - Kotlin - JSON Web Token Verification in Ktor using Kotlin and Java-JWT
  90. 2017-11 - Kotlin - Experimenting with Kotlin and OAuth
  91. 2017-11 - OpenID Connect - Silent Refresh - Refreshing Access Tokens when using the Implicit Flow
  92. 2017-10 - ASP.NET Identity - Better Password Hashing in ASP.NET Core
  93. 2017-08 - OAuth - Don't use the OAuth password grant type
  94. 2017-08 - Angular - SPA Authentication using OpenID Connect, Angular CLI and oidc-client
  95. 2017-07 - OpenID Connect - Getting started with oidc-provider
  96. 2017-07 - OAuth - The Wrong Ways to Protect an API
  97. 2017-04 - Identity Server - IdentityServer SharePoint Integration using WS-Federation
  98. 2017-04 - Azure - Cloudflare Origin Certificates and Azure App Services
  99. 2017-04 - Docker - ASP.NET Core and Docker Environment Variables
  100. 2017-03 - ASP.NET Identity - ASP.NET Identity 2 Configurable Password Hasher
  101. 2017-03 - Windows - Yet Another MakeCert Tutorial
  102. 2017-02 - General - Software Design and Development Conference 2017
  103. 2016-11 - OAuth - Consuming External OAuth Services using IdentityModel
  104. 2016-09 - Entity Framework - Entity Framework Core In Memory Testing
  105. 2016-09 - Identity Server - Getting Started with IdentityServer4 and Duende IdentityServer
  106. 2016-07 - Azure - Getting Started with the Azure DocumentDB .NET SDK
  107. 2016-06 - General - NDC Oslo 2016
  108. 2016-05 - Katana - OWIN Basic Authentication
  109. 2016-05 - Katana - WS-Federation Token Encryption using Microsoft Katana
  110. 2016-04 - ASP.NET Identity - Identity Manager using ASP.NET Identity
  111. 2016-04 - Windows - IIS - The Process Cannot Access the File Because it is Being Used by Another Process
  112. 2016-03 - General - How I Prepared For My First Technical Presentation
  113. 2016-01 - General - Ten Steps to Learn Anything Quickly Review
  114. 2016-01 - Identity Server - Identity Server 3 using WS-Federation
  115. 2015-11 - Email Verification - Python Email Verification Script
  116. 2015-08 - Katana - Creating OWIN Middleware using Microsoft Katana
  117. 2015-08 - Identity Server - Identity Server 3 using ASP.NET Identity
  118. 2015-08 - ASP.NET Identity - Quick and Easy ASP.NET Identity Multitenancy
  119. 2015-06 - C# - Deserializing a JSON Enumerated String to a Different C# Enumerated Type
  120. 2015-05 - Katana - OWIN Katana Introduction
  121. 2015-05 - General - Software Design and Development Conference 2015
  122. 2015-05 - Identity Server - Identity Server 3 Standalone Implementation Part 3
  123. 2015-04 - Identity Server - Identity Server 3 Standalone Implementation Part 2
  124. 2015-04 - Identity Server - Identity Server 3 Standalone Implementation Part 1
  125. 2015-02 - Identity Server - Thinktecture Identity Server 3
  126. 2015-01 - OpenID Connect - OpenID Connect Flows
  127. 2015-01 - OpenID Connect - OpenID Connect Endpoints
  128. 2015-01 - OpenID Connect - What is OpenID Connect?
  129. 2015-01 - General - Why Blog